Course curriculum

    1. 2 Tips in 1... How To Relax in Your Swing Plus How To Add Power To Your Driver

    2. A Driver Swing Should Only Be 12 Inches Long!!!

    3. Easy Golf Tip To Hit Your Driver Longer

    4. To Hit Long Straight Drives - Create Room!!

    5. Add POWER To Your Drives & Irons

    6. To Hit Powerful Drives... Should You Pull or Push??

    7. Why A Wide Stance May NOT Help You Hit your Driver Further!!...

    8. Should You Relax to Hit The Driver Further or Not?

    1. Getting Control of Clubface (Hammer & Nail)

    2. Get Compact Like A Tour Player

    3. Don't Hang Yourself - Structure Yourself!!

    4. Developing A Natural Swing Sequence

    5. How To Maintain Your Spine Angle For Solid Strikes

    6. Impact - Umberalla As A Prop

    7. Just One Swish To Happiness!

    8. Moving & Controlling Your Hips - My Fault!!

    9. An Easy Way To Get The Low Point of Your Swing Right

    10. How To Stop Thinning & Mis-Hitting Your Irons

    1. 3 Areas of Your Body Must Relax To Play Your Best!

    2. Flow & Watch Your Worries Disappear!

    3. How Tree Roots Can Improve Your Swing

    4. Reorganise Your Golf Swing Without Swing Thoughts

    5. The World's Simpliest & Possibly Most Effective Golf Drill

    6. Trying To Get It Right Could Be Your Problem!

    7. Barefoot Swinging Could Transform Your Golf Swing!

    8. 3 Magic Words To Change Your Results

    9. How To Get Out Of A Slump Fast

    10. One Question That Can Make Swing Changes Easier!

    11. Taking Charge of How You Feel!

    12. This Breathing Tip Is A Game Changer!

About this course

  • £97.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content